Luiza Vinhal
Luiza Vinhal is a medical doctor from Brazil, specialising in functional Neuropsychiatry and a PhD candidate at the University of Wollongong.
Luiza is passionate about optimising mental health and well-being by focusing on the mind-body connection and embracing neurodiversity.
Luiza is the founder of LIGHTHOUSE, a project aimed at guiding people with neurodivergent brains to better understand themselves. She believes that one of her goals as a doctor is to translate difficult and complex brain knowledge into simple, actionable steps to help people feel good, achieve mental resilience and peak brain performance while improving their ability to manage stress and regulate emotions.
Lyndi Cohen
Lyndi Cohen is known as the Nude Nutritionist and is one of Australia’s leading dietitians. She is a 2 x best-selling author, a regular on Channel 9's TODAY Show and a mentor for those with binge and emotional eating. In a world of strange superfoods and unregulated wellness influencers, Lyndi is most popular for calling out nutrition nonsense, challenging diet culture, and our warped beauty standards while promoting real health and a healthy body image.
Georgia Carroll
Dr Georgia Carroll received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Sydney in 2023. Her research explored celebrity fandoms and fan consumption, using the Taylor Swift and Supernatural fandom communities as case studies. Georgia is an experienced presenter and public speaker, and has spoken at conferences such as SXSW: Sydney, blackbird’s “Sunrise”, State of Social, and Swarm, and was the keynote speaker at the inaugural “Swiftposium” in February 2024. She also regularly presents and consults on fan engagement to sporting and entertainment organisations. Outside of academia, Georgia is a communications professional with a background in publicity, social media management, and strategic communications. When she’s not working or researching, she can usually be found drinking coffee, attempting to become a runner, and keeping up with her pop-cultural obsessions of the day.
Matt Zwolenski
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Guy Burbidge
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